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Job Class

Car Delivery Network
A Car Delivery Network Job entity.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CarDeliveryNetwork.Api.Data
Assembly: CarDeliveryNetwork.Api.Data (in CarDeliveryNetwork.Api.Data.dll) Version: (
public class Job : ApiEntityBase<Job>

The Job type exposes the following members.

Public methodJob Initializes a new instance of the Job class.
Public propertyAdvertiseType Optional - Should it be advertised for carriers to claim at a fixed price, to quote or both
Public propertyAllocatedCarrierDOTNumber Optional - The D.O.T number of the allocated carrier
Public propertyAllocatedCarrierScac Optional - The SCAC of the allocated carrier
Public propertyAssignedDriverId Optional - The Id of the assigned driver
Public propertyAssignedDriverName ReadOnly - The Name of the assigned driver
Public propertyAssignedDriverRemoteId Optional - The RemoteId of the assigned driver
Public propertyAssignedTruckRemoteId Optional - The RemoteId of the assigned truck
Public propertyBuyPrice Optional - The price that the transport company will be paid, in the smallest denomination of the currency (pennies, cents etc). Must be specified if you are putting the Job into a Fixed Price Network. If not specified will be set to 0.
Public propertyContractedCarrierDOTNumber Optional - The D.O.T number of the entity contracted carrier
Public propertyContractedCarrierScac Optional - The SCAC of the entity contracted by the shipper.
Public propertyCustomer Mandatory - The customer details for this job.
Public propertyCustomerReference Optional (50) - A customer reference for this job (Does not have to be unique to this job. For a unique identifier see the Id and LoadId fields).
Public propertyDocuments Readonly - A list of documents associated with this job
Public propertyDropoff Mandatory - The drop-off details for this job.
Public propertyFrequentDamage Optional - Collection of frequent damage
Public propertyFunctionalityFlags Optional - Determines app behaviour for this job. NULL enables default behaviour. 0 deactivates all.
Public propertyHistory Readonly - A list of history records associated with this job
Public propertyIsRelay Optional - flag to indicate relay status
Public propertyJobInitiator Mandatory (40) - Name of person/system initiating this job.
Public propertyJobNumber Readonly (50) - The job's unique job number generated by Car Delivery Network.
Public propertyLoadboardLookupId Optional - Identifier of the Loadboard to advertise job to. Can be either integer ID or RemoteID
Public propertyLoadId Optional (40) - A unique identifier for this job, generated by the client system.
Public propertyLoadSequenceNumber Optional - The sequnce number of this load
Public propertyMileage Optional - The estimated mileage of the job. If not specified system will try to calculate the mileage based on google mapping.
Public propertyNIRNumber Optional (10) - Registration number required to own and administer heavy vehicles within province of Quebec
Public propertyNotes Optional (ntext) - The job notes. These notes will be sent to the Driver.
Public propertyPaymentTerm Optional - Payment term for this job.
Public propertyPickup Mandatory - The pick-up details for this job.
Public propertyReferrerCode Optional (Reach Community Only) (50) - Code for the request's referrer
Public propertySellPrice Optional - The price that the customer will be charged, in the smallest denomination of the currency (pennies, cents etc). If not specified will be set to 0.
Public propertyServiceRequired Mandatory - The service required for this job (Driven, Transported, Either or Auto). Cannot be Either if job is allocated to a network or carrier.
Public propertyShipperScac Optional - The SCAC of the shipper to whom this job belongs
Public propertyStatus Readonly - The job's current status
Public propertyStatusDeviceTime Readonly - The time the current status occurred
Public propertyTerminalContact Optional
Public propertyTravelTimeMinutes Optional - The estimated travel time of the job.
Public propertyTripId Optional (20) - An id representing the trip this job is part of
Public propertyVehicles Mandatory - A collection of vehicles associated with this job.
Public methodToVehicleDamageHookString Returns a serial representation of the job in the specified format and schema.
See Also