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Vehicle Class

Car Delivery Network
A Car Delivery Network Vehicle entity. You must specify a VIN or Registration.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CarDeliveryNetwork.Api.Data
Assembly: CarDeliveryNetwork.Api.Data (in CarDeliveryNetwork.Api.Data.dll) Version: (
public class Vehicle : ApiEntityBase<Vehicle>

The Vehicle type exposes the following members.

Public methodVehicle Initializes a new instance of the Vehicle class
Public propertyColor Optional (25) - The vehicle color, type or sub-model.
Public propertyDamageAtDropoff Readonly - A collection of EXTRA damage items recorded at dropoff
Public propertyDamageAtPickup A collection of damage items recorded at pickup
Public propertyDamageClaimDate Readonly - Date Time of damage claim this vehicle
Public propertyDamageClaimExtras Readonly - A collection of EXTRA damage items recorded at delivery
Public propertyDamageClaims Readonly - A collection of damage claim items recorded at delivery
Public propertyDamageClaimSignature Readonly - Signature of person damage claim signing off this vehicle
Public propertyDamageClaimSignedBy Readonly - Name of person damage claim signing off this vehicle
Public propertyDamageClaimSignoffComment Readonly - DamageClaimSignoffComment
Public propertyLoadDirection Readonly - The direction the vehicle was loaded in
Public propertyLoadLevel Readonly - The ramp level the vehicle was loaded onto
Public propertyLoadPosition Readonly - The position the vehicle was loaded onto the ramp
Public propertyLocation Optional (50) - The vehicle's location or bay number
Public propertyMake Optional (50) - The vehicle make/manufacturer.
Public propertyModel Optional (50) - The vehicle model.
Public propertyMovementNumber Optional (50) - A movement number specific to this Vehicle
Public propertyNonCompletionReason Readonly - The reason that the vehicle was either not pickup up or not delivered
Public propertyNotes Optional (255) - Notes relating to this Vehicle.
Public propertyPaperwork Readonly - A collection of paperwork fields assocated with this vehicle
Public propertyPhotos A collection of photos assocated with this vehicle
Public propertyPrePickupDamage A collection of damage items recorded before pickup
Public propertyRegistration Optional (10) - The vehicle registration number or year manufactured.
Public propertySignature Readonly - Signature of person signing off this vehicle
Public propertySignedBy Readonly - Name of person signing off this vehicle
Public propertySignoffComment Readonly - SignoffComment
Public propertyVariant Optional (50) - The vehicle variant, type or sub-model.
Public propertyVin Optional (17) - The vehicle identification number. A valid VIN is 6-17 characters.
Public propertyWeight Optional - The vehicle mass in ????
If you do not want to specify an actual VIN you should specify a placeholder (1,2,3 etc) of less than 6 characters and the system will force the capture of a valid VIN
See Also