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DocumentType Enumeration

Car Delivery Network
An enumeration that specifies the type of a Car Delivery Network document.

Namespace: CarDeliveryNetwork.Types
Assembly: CarDeliveryNetwork.Types (in CarDeliveryNetwork.Types.dll) Version: (
public enum DocumentType
Member nameValueDescription
Other0 The other
Expenses1 The expenses
CollectionSignoff2 The collection signoff
CollectionDamage3 The collection damage
DeliverySignoff4 The delivery signoff
DeliveryDamage5 The delivery damage
Insurance6 The insurance
Terms7 The terms
Dot8 The DOT
W99 The w9
Authority10 The authority
FuelReceipt11 The fuel receipt
ShippingNote12 The shipping note
UserPhoto13 The user photo
UserSignature14 The user signature
OdoPhoto15 The odo photo
SaferStat16 The safer stat
AdditionalInsurance17 The additional insurance
EquipmentList18 The equipment list
VehicleImport19 CSV Vehicle Improt
DeliveryClaimDamage20 Dealer damage claim
DeliveryClaimDocument21 Dealer delivery claim document
DeliveryClaimPhoto22 Dealer delivery claim photos
LicencePhoto23 Photo of users driving licence
PickupReleaseForm24 Photo/Scan of a pickup relase form
PrePickupPhoto25 A pre-pickup photo of a vehicle
PrePickupDamagePhoto26 A photo of damage sustained pre-pickup
DestinationDocument27 Documents to be added to the destination
See Also